Of all the things we do best we never fail to sell ourselves short.
Our outer appearance is never enough and always has to be enhanced,
updated, and made more efficient to catch up or stay just a step
ahead. The steps we take are just paces, but add a skin tight
something with a matching pair of heels and suddenly we're something
to look at. Any accomplishment we make is amazing, wonderful, damn
near unattainable......for a girl. Always found to be the lesser of
the two, and yet our efforts are incomparable because they are so
much stronger than the opposing. If men come into play we are
suddenly last pick. And we most certainly are last pick when we do
just that, let men come in to play. The way we put them ahead of us,
its as if it was something in our nature. For the ones we love we
divert from our own heart. Throw caution to the wind and just let
them have us. Leaving nothing but the after thought of "maybe I
shouldn't have done that."
Let us accept what we see every morning no matter how tangled the
hair, puffy the eyes, and pale the face. There's nothing wrong with
pampering, but accepting who we really are will transfer and our lips
will pout, cheeks blush, and lashes lengthen with confidence.
On occasions when we do put on our most head turning neck breaking
outfits, do it with the initial thought that we did it for ourselves
and not to please those around us. When our efforts are
subconsciously pitied on by others or thought of as close but
no cigar, never take good enough as good enough. Work to surpass
yourself time and time again until they cannot do anything but be
defeated with eyes wide, mouths dropped marveling at such an
accomplishment. And above all else when we give ourselves to
someone else, give it with a price. Our love can't be bought
or attained by charm, its as simple as receiving the equal
amount in affection back. But when choosing this individual,
make sure you gave them more than a good look. You can love that
they are witty, outgoing,charming, funny, intriguing, and
have a list that goes on. But these are just traits that can
be found in anyone. You must be in love with that specific
person, loving their traits may last you a couple months
but loving their mind will keep you forever because minds
are unique and one of a kind. We know there are many among
us who fit the first description, so lets not be a statistic.
Let's not have just traits but minds and be for others exactly
what we are looking for within ourselves.
not my typical poem, a lot of myself is hidden in this one. but this is
for all the ladies who depreciate themselves obliviously and need a
little reminder that they are worth much more than they think.
stop being ignorant.