So today was pretty much filled with laundry, TV, and cold toes. The heater can be on blast in my house but my feet never fail to freeze! And can i just give it up to Vegas for getting some snow up in this bitch?! but anyways, after eating Thai food with this one Jedi Knight i know i received a fortune cookie that reads as follows:
"A romantic mystery will soon add interest to your life."
awww isnt that sweet? -__- haha but thanks to that sliver of paper, i have been inspired to write a little about relationships. so if you care to read, then boys take notes and girls peep game...
One part of a relationship that is retardedly important is the foundation. you cannot come straight out the gate on shaky ground. expectations should be made clear and the height at which each individual holds their standards should never be lowered, not even for a moment. once the bars are lowered the relationship loses its integrity and its a struggle to hold on because unacceptable things were allowed to slide. if something is allowed once, it will more than likely be allowed to happen again.
Honesty is a necessity. the truth doesnt hurt, it kills, but it is better to keep it real than to lie to someone you care for. this also includes telling the whole story and not leaving out details to cover your ass. there is no such thing as a half truth, that is what normal people call lying. if you messed up, its best to just own up to your actions and hope for the best.
TRUST. if this is not thee biggest killer to most, if not all relationships then i dont know what is. at the beginning of a relationship everyones all excited, the butterflies are still running a mock, trumpets are playing and then....someone slips up. whatever stupid reason it is, there is no more trust and shits hitting the fan left and right. now at this point you can either call it quits, or you can forgive them and move on. if you should choose to move on, then that means you WILL NOT hold the past against them and they regain your trust. so stick to your word dammit! stop accusing each other of things that you think might be happening, dont make that "you cant party without me" rule, and dont even think about searching through text messages. just accept that not everyone is perfect and mistakes will happen. without trust you cannot move on and there will be no growth.
yup, thats pretty much all i have to offer for now. nothing you didnt already know, just some thoughts. and on a much lighter note, if you have not seen this video already, enjoy it. =]